Making Handmade Christmas Decorations

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I said I would update my blog with a photo of last week’s wiggly pompoms.  I made a few and made them into a garland – you can kind of get the idea from the photo above (it’s about twice as long as what you see) – and it’s so difficult to take a decent one with a window as a background, best I could do.  (The lovely wicker star was a Christmas purchase a few years ago, I would have loved to have made a claim to have made that if I could!)


I’ve also been having a play with Christmas Origami papers.  Initially a good friend gave a mini demo to our weekly craft group on how to make an origami star.  This inspired me to make a whole bunch of stars and here are three hanging amongst a few of my cooking and craft books.

I’d love to see anyone else’s little handmade Christmas decorations!


3 thoughts on “Making Handmade Christmas Decorations

    quiteayarnblog said:
    December 18, 2018 at 6:46 am

    Lovely Christmas crafts! The wiggly yarn makes the pompoms very full and fluffy!

      tinaor said:
      December 20, 2018 at 2:08 pm

      Thanks! I rather liked the wiggly pompoms in the end – bit like life in general, a little ‘wiggly’ from time to time!

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