Month: August 2014

Never having enough time, or this just an excuse?

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You know that thing that people say about ‘never having the time to exercise’? I’ve said it myself in the past, though I think that was just a lack of willpower and general laziness! I think I’ve started to say it about my craft making. I have too many knitting projects unfinished and sewing projects not even started. I have a stack of patterns, yarn and fabric, enough to set up my own store, well, almost. The half finished projects are often those that I started and got bored of, or stuck on. The sewing is a reflection of my keenness to begin something slightly out of my comfort zone.
Who can resist the lure of new patterns? I love the world wide web but by bringing it into my ‘world’ how do I resist all those free downloads? Those lovely photos and the instructions sound so simple, so easy, so quick, so tempting. (I won’t even start on about how I got all of my beautiful yarns and fabrics. I am sure many just jump into my shopping basket spontaneously. When I look at my stash I remember most of how I got it, but can’t always remember what I planned to do with it!) How do I get over this? Am I slightly overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? (It’s a bit like looking at all the housework and chores sometimes and deciding just to go out and ignore it all as it will be there when I get back! Anyone just like me?)
I think I might need to launch myself right in, put on my ‘sensible head’ (when am I ever going to use all those bags if I make them all?) I need to reassess if I am actually going to finish/start each thing. I have been known to start a summer project in the summer, not finish it, seasons change and I think ‘oh well, I shall leave it there and take it up when the same season arrives next year’. Is this something many of us do? What’s the point of finishing a little summer shrug when you need something warmer with long sleeves? This is not the first year I’ve made this mistake. I sit in one of my recent successes (my crafting is not totally a disaster). This is actually a skirt made in July 2014 (photo to follow, camera out of reach this present moment). It’s possibly the last time I wear it this season as autumn is fast arriving. It still looks sunny this weekend but there’s a definite chill in air.
I really must knuckle down this week. Rather than talk about all this ‘making’ I must get on and ‘make’.