Month: July 2013

Dare you take a teenager away from electronic gadgets for a few days? (And for me, time to use up some of my woolly stash)

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When I started blogging I intended to write a post every day. Now I realize that is just not practical as ‘life’ gets in the way so I shall blog as much as I can, aiming for three times a week and hope I shall have more interesting stuff to write about.

I have just had a few days away in Normandy, France and for me that means no internet, no phone, no tv, which is part of the reason I like going to our little haven there, and also one reason I have been post-less here. I took a bunch of knitting and crochet projects, a box set of Gavin & Stacey DVDs for the laptop (just something to play the dvds on) and of course, my lovely family. Teenage son complained about being removed from his electronic ‘world’ – a host of complaints we ignored as we knew once he got there he would settle into a more simple life and enjoy himself if past visits were anything to go on. Are we cruel? I don’t think so. I believe we are amongst the brave in daring to take a teenager out of his comfort zone these days. I have friends that can’t believe we ‘settle’ for nothing less than an action packed activity holiday! Actually, whilst I was there I read an interesting article in a magazine. It was talking about how kids now have so much instant entertainment via games consoles, online games, instant chat that they do not have the opportunity to be truly ‘bored’ and have to find something else to do. They lack imagination and social skills, they are losing the art of learning something for themselves. At the touch of a button everything seems to work immediately and they are not interacting face to face with their peers very much at all. It seems a sad world ahead of many of them. I am not saying my son can’t enjoy the electronic gadgetry of his teenage world, just that sometimes it’s good for him (and for us too) to take a step back and see what else is out there. It was lovely to spend time together as a family, chatting, chewing the cud, catching up on what he expects when he goes into further education shortly. A great time was had by us all.

For me, sometimes a few days away help me concentrate on my latest craft project. I have finally finished a knitted wrap I’ve been working on for a friend. It had been hanging over me for the last week or so, I could see the end but just couldn’t reach it. Every time I picked it up I dropped stitches or discovered I had done so the evening before and had to undo a few rows. I think I had been trying to pack too much into my life without concentrating on anything – this recent break was so needed!

I still have several other knitting WIPs. One is a lovely purple short sleeved summer top which I am going slow on. It is enjoyable at times, tedious at others, but I do actually intend to finish this one. Before we went away I had been sorting out other knitting projects and actually made myself RIP out one I know I will never complete. It was so refreshing to make the decision to do that – I should have done it 6 months ago. It was never going to be flattering and I wasn’t proud enough of my work to finish it and gift it to anyone else. So, more yarn in my stash! It’s a beautiful turquoise bamboo mix for another project one day.

Talking of my stash… well I could probably rival a small wool shop! How is it that I never quite have the wool I want for a project or have a pattern but not the suitable wool for it? I am sure I am not alone here. Yesterday I decided to treat myself to a quick new knitting project. It had to be quick for a summer trip coming up – it had to be sage green or navy blue to match one of twospecific outfits – could I find anything suitable? No, not in my local wool shop. There is a huge range of yarns and patterns but my brain just couldn’t engage! That isn’t to say there wasn’t enough choice – no, I think this shop has more than I have ever seen. I came away with nothing this time! I think someone somewhere is trying to tell me to dig deep into my own yarn stash at home and use something I already have…. the trouble is, new stuff is sometimes so much more exciting! Today, I will decide what I am going to make if anything.

So, that’s me for now. Chilled, satisfied one knitting project down, less to go. Some good parenting recently done, so I say.