Month: August 2021

A little round hooking

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I am still working on a colourful rainbow cotton crochet top. It seems to be taking ages but yesterday I learnt something new, which is pretty amazing seeing as I am still recuperating from an op, still drifting off into the land of tiredness regularly and am not always able to concentrate when I need to. I have learnt to crochet in the round, that’s round and round in a tube, not making a circular ‘thing’ like a table mat or rug. My journey into the land of crochet is not very long. I can granny square, albeit sometimes wonky, I can do basic singles, doubles and trebles (and half trebles, all UK terms). So here’s the beginnings of a sleeve. Just showing off really, feeling like I have been neglecting crafting when I have a lot of time in the world to indulge.

I also dipped into the never ending hexi sewing project and put a few shapes together when on a zoom call this morning. I was zooming with crafting friends who usually meet in person pre Covid. We seem to put the world to rights over the airwaves. We craft a little, or not at all. We console or congratulate each other on losses on wins, depends on the nature of the week or the day or the month. It’s a bit of normality from afar with virtual hugs and giggles. I didn’t do much sewing, but there was nearly a seven piece completion, which was easier to half concentrate on rather than hooking this morning. After the call unfortunately I dropped the hexis on the floor and couldn’t stretch to pick them up – which was lucky not to be mid zoom. And then lucky again my son when almost immediately, and by coincidence, arrived in the room and retrieved them for me – albeit with a little mutter than he thinks I am dropping things intentionally so he has little ‘jobs’ to do to help me out!

That’s about it for now. I would like to say I am enjoying a little bit of British summer, but just lately the weather hasn’t been very favourable and dare I admit – yes I do – I even put the heating on one evening this week. I am thinking it was more the issue of being less mobile that day than usual, and I’d chucked on another jumper and covered my legs with a blanket (handknitted of course). Come back sunshine! I was planning to recuperate sitting in the garden often with a good book or three.

What’s everyone else been up to?

Feeling lucky

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I am feeling lucky as I am recuperating well after an op. I am sitting with my laptop somewhere different in my house than where I usually sit. I am surrounded by a few lovely things and feel lucky to have had time to craft in the past and even a little this week too. A snapshot of next to where I am shows the patchwork cover of my sewing machine (I loved making this piece a few years ago, didn’t ever intend it to be a cover up but somehow it became one). Today and yesterday I have been sewing in cotton yarn ends on my latest crochet project, the laborious part of making something multi-coloured. Two thirds down, one third to go. I’ve also knitted a few rows, item not in the photo. I did take knitting into hospital with me but I was rather over ambitious – so it just had a ‘mini spa break’ with me. As I sat there on day two with cannulas in both hands, unable to reach anything unless it was put right in front of me (and the knitting was across the other side of the room), I was still slightly spaced out on morphine, I actually laughed at myself for being a little over keen with yet another craft project! Laughing in theory was funny, in reality very uncomfortable!

Today I realised I am using a zipped bag for my notions (scissors, stitch markers, sewing needles, etc), given to me by my lovely sister in law. I can dream of future travel as the fabric is part of a map of the world.

How lucky am I? Are you feeling lucky today too?